
Welcome! Thank you for visiting and taking the time to read this. Travel Food Happy. Three simple words that means a world to me. I always have a passion for travel. Right out of college, I found a job and then for the next 15 years worked hard climbing the corporate ladder. The years fly by and as I get older, it seems like there is never the right time to pursuit my passion but then one day I realized there is never “the” right time. One thing I knew for sure is I don’t want to wait until I retired. Many things happen in the last few years that make me realize that life is short. Instead of playing it safe, I decided to take a chance and follow my heart.

I resigned from my job last year and decided to take a little time off to pursuit my love for traveling and hope to find my version of happiness in the process. A monk from the Labrang Monastery posed this question to me (which caught me totally off guard): What is happiness to you? I continue to ponder the answer to this question and started to take notes of things that contributed to my happiness. I hope that you find your version of happiness in your life journey! Nothing compares to finding peace and happiness within oneself.

This site is dedicated to all the wonderful places and people that help put a smile on my face and help me grow as a person.

Thank you again for visiting. I hope you will enjoy the site and find the information to be helpful in creating your next adventure!